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Enhance Customer Engagement with a Video-First Content Strategy

Using streaming to improve the experience you offer your customers and deepen their engagement with you is a top priority for digital marketing pros today. In this informative PLAY episode, we focus on content trends that are driving business growth, the way consumer demographics are shifting and what that means for marketers, and technological advances in content distribution.

Meet The Guests

Guest: Chuck Gahun, Principal Analyst, Forrester

Chuck serves technology executives and digital business leaders. He focuses on strategies, execution, and evaluative research that helps leaders build the right digital portfolio that benefits the business and promotes a positive customer experience. His coverage areas are content management systems (CMSes) and digital experience applications, platforms, and services. Chuck’s research aims to enable leaders to drive value by harnessing the power of digital content management, intelligence, collaboration, and delivery applications and platforms.

Guest: Dana Cordova, Sr. Director, Regional Marketing, Americas, Brightcove

<Dana Cordova is the Senior Director of Marketing at Brightcove. She is responsible for the strategy, planning, and execution of all marketing programs focused on pipeline growth and new logo acquisition for the Americas region.

Dana is a marketing leader with a proven track record of creating multi-channel marketing strategies that drive revenue growth. She has over twenty years of experience in demand generation, digital programs, customer acquisition, go-to-market strategy, and managing cross-functional teams.




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